
Dear Trading members: Please be sure to read all the details of this "Risk Disclosure Statement" and you will need to sign this "Risk Disclosure Statement" before you can open an account in the Singapore Global Ginseng Exchange for trading purposes. Ginseng commodity spot electronic trading is a trading conducted using a computer network system. There is a certain risk of ginseng commodity spot electronic trading and losses may occur. Therefore, you should carefully consider whether your current business (individual), financial status and economic affordability are suitable for the ginseng commodity spot electronic trading. If you are determined to participate in the ginseng commodity (hereinafter referred to as "commodity") spot electronic trading, you should make the following clear points: 1. Because of the global macroeconomic situation and the adjustment of industrial structure and the surrounding countries and regions of Singapore macroeconomic environment changes, the balance of supply and demand of ginseng commodities may be affected, causing sharp fluctuations in the price of ginseng commodities, so that you have the possibility of loss, you must bear the resulting loss; 2. Because of the changes in national laws, regulations and policies, the introduction of emergency measures of the Exchange, and other reasons, the unassigned commodity possessed by you may not be sold or transferred, you must bear the resulting loss; 3. When you are trading commodity, if the market trend is against you, it may be transferred in the event of a loss, and you must bear the resulting losses; 4. You must carefully read and abide by the "Singapore Global Ginseng Exchange Trading Rules" (hereinafter referred to as "Trading Rules"), if you are unable to meet the requirements set out in the Trading Rules, the commodities you hold may be withheld or restricted by the Exchange under the rules, and you must bear the consequences; 5. The Exchange has never and will not authorize any institution or individual to make any guarantees and promises for the profits and losses arising from your participation in the trading on behalf of the Exchange at any time and place in the future. Please carefully analyze the various risk situations that may be brought to you due to the uncertainties of the market changes. At the same time, you must carefully identify all kinds of information and data obtained from marketing; 6. in some market situations, if the market reaches the price of ups and ...
Singapore Global Ginseng Exchange Pte Ltd, a company incorporated in Singapore and having its registered office at 152 Beach Road, Gateway East #26-04, Singapore 189721 (hereinafter referred to as the “Exchange”) [] (hereinafter referred to as the “Member”) WHEREAS Exchange is an established global electronic online platform for spot ginseng trading. It mainly specializes in offering and listing of ginseng spot commodity (hereinafter referred to as the “Commodity”) on Exchange and provides an electronic trading system and related supporting services for all market participants; Member is a company, institution or a natural person who has reached the age of 18, with full civil capacity at the age of legal establishment and lawful existence , and has a deep cognition to the risk of commodity trading. Pursuant to the relevant laws and the “Trading rules of Singapore Global Ginseng Exchange” and the relevant provisions of the Exchange, Member voluntarily applied to become Exchange’s trading member. Upon friendly negotiations between both Parties, the following Agreement has been reached and hereby jointly by: 1. Member voluntarily joins Exchange as a trading member according to the needs of its own business development or for self-consumption, to enjoy the corresponding rights of trading members and to bear the corresponding obligations of trading members. 2. Before signing this Agreement, Member has obtained detailed understanding through the Trading Rules published on the Exchange's official website ( and other existing regulations, as well as other relevant information such as commodity information; 3. Member has carefully studied the Trading Rules and Exchange has given detailed explanations on it. Member is fully aware of the rights, obligations and responsibilities of Exchange's trading members. At the same time, Member is fully aware that with the development of the business, Exchange will continue to improve and revise the “Trading Rules” and formulate and revise the corresponding trading rules. Member acknowledges the necessity of such modification, and Member undertakes to strictly abide by the “Trading Rules” (including the revised content), all regulations and documents promulgated by Exchange; 4. Prior to signing this agreement, Member has carefully read the "Risk Disclosure Statement" and Exchange has given Member detailed explanations on the entire contents of it. Member has fully understood the exact meaning of the relevant contents stated in the "Risk Disclosure Statement", clearly recognized and willing to bear the possible risks from the trading; 5. Both Parties agree that the scope of powers given ...

Notice of admission

Dear Commodity Buyer:When you are ready to enter Singapore Ginseng Exchange (hereinafter referred to as "the Exchange") for spot commodity trading activities, please be sure to understand the following:1. Requirements of opening a trading accountThe commodity buyer shall be a legal entity with the qualification of enterprise legal person in the industry and can independently engage in the spot trading activities of ginseng commodities.The natural person commodity buyer shall be an individual who has a certain degree of affordability, risk control and relevant trading experience, who is 18 years old, has full capacity for civil conduct, and objectively evaluates the suitability of the buyer through an Exchange and has considerable consumer demand for the buyer's commodities.The commodity buyer shall open an account in real and lawful capacity. He or she shall ensure the legality of the source of funds and shall also ensure the authenticity, legality and validity of the "business license", identity card and other relevant information provided by the company.2. Signing of the account opening documentAn enterprise or other economic organization may sign an account opening document by its legal representative or principal agent. Where the principal agent handles the account opening procedure, the enterprise or other economic organization shall provide a true, lawful and effective power of attorney.Account opening procedures for a natural person commodity buyer must be the buyer himself to sign the opening document, may not entrust the agent on behalf of the signing of the document to open the account.3. Risk of spot commodity tradingMarket prices can not only rise, high returns at the same time inevitably accompanied by higher market volatility risk, commodity buyers should be in accordance with their own economic conditions and risk tolerance and psychological endurance ability to make an objective judgment on their own investment in the amount of funds and source of funds to make a cautious decision. Commodity buyers must carefully read this notice and related documents, before trading the buyers must know that "the market is risky, admission must be cautious."4. Opening a trading accountThe commodity buyer shall download the account opening document on the Exchange's website and open the account in accordance with the Exchange's account opening process.The whole account opening process must be solely operated by the commodity buyer himself, and the personal information provided must be true, accurate and effective. The loss caused by incorrect information is borne by the commodity buyer.The commodity ...

Rules and Regulations

Chapter I GENERAL PROVISIONS 1. To amplify and standardize the information disclosure behavior of the Exchange, to ensure the authenticity, accuracy, completeness, timeliness and fairness of information disclosure, and to promote the Singapore Global Ginseng Exchange (hereinafter referred to as "the Exchange") to regulate the operation according to law and to safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of the Exchange and the commodity buyers, in accordance with the Singapore Companies Act and the relevant regulations of the Singapore Government. Chapter II BASIC INFORMATION OF INFORMATION DISCLOSURES The term of "Disclosure of Information" refers to the act of publishing information to the shareholder in a prescribed manner within the specified time, information that may have a significant impact on the Exchange and that has not been known to the commodity buyer. The contents of the Exchange information disclosure include periodic reports and interim reports. The annual reports and the semi-annual reports are periodic reports, and other reports are interim reports. The Exchange shall disclose periodic reports and interim reports in accordance with the requirements of relevant laws, regulations and the Articles of Association of the Exchange. Information that the regulatory authorities deem necessary to disclose should also be disclosed. 3. Information disclosure is the continuing responsibility of the Exchange, the Exchange should faithfully fulfill the obligation of information disclosure. The disclosure of Exchange information should embody the principle of openness, fairness and impartiality in treating all shareholders, submitting and disclosing information truthfully, accurately, completely, timely and fairly, ensuring that there are no false, misleading statements or major omissions. Chapter III MANAGEMENT OF INFORMATION DISCLOSURE AFFAIRS 4. The Exchange Board of Directors authorizes the General Management Department of the Exchange to organize and coordinate Exchange information disclosure matters. The head of the General management Department is responsible for contacting the relevant information disclosure parties, receiving visits, answering inquiries, contacting shareholders, and providing the commodity buyers with information disclosed by the Exchange. 5. The official announcement of the Exchange cannot be replaced by a press release or a reporter's question. 6. When the Exchange discovers that the disclosed information (including the bulletin issued by the Exchange and the information on the Exchange that is reprinted on the media) is wrong, omitted or misleading, it shall promptly issue a correction announcement, a supplementary announcement or a clarification announcement. If the information disclosure document published by an Exchange (including periodic reports and interim reports) are ...

Administrative measure

第一章 总则 第一条 为加强新加坡全球人参交易所(以下简称:交易所)核准仓库的管理,规范交收行为,保证电子交易商品的交收正常进行,根据相关法律和《新加坡全球人参交易所交易规则》的有关规定,制定本办法。 第二条 核准仓库是指由交易所授权,按交易所规定模式为交易所商品挂牌人、交易会员提供商品(主要指野山参产品及相关产品,下同)仓储及相关实物交收服务的仓储企业。 第三条 交易所依据本办法对核准仓库进行监督管理,核准仓库及其有关工作人员必须遵守本办法。 第二章 申请和审批 第四条 交易所对核准仓库实行审批制,申请核准仓库必须具备以下条件: (一)具有工商行政管理部门颁发的营业执照和相应的经营资质; (二)固定资产和注册资本须达到交易所规定的数额; (三)财务状况良好,具有较强的抗风险能力; (四)具有良好的商业信誉,近三年内无严重违法行为记录和被取消核准仓库资格的记录; (五)承认交易所的交易规则等各项规章制度; (六)仓库主要管理人员必须有丰富的仓储管理经验; (七)储存条件良好,符合交易所交收商品仓储特性要求,仓储设备完好、齐全,计量符合国家规定要求; (八)具备良好的出入库装卸能力和交通运输条件; (九)有严格、完善的商品出入库制度、库存商品管理制度等; (十)具备应用交易所的交收业务管理信息系统的能力,能实时准确地反映保管商品的动态情况; (十一)交易所要求的其他条件。 第五条 申请成为核准仓库,须提供下列材料: (一)申请书; (二)企业法人营业执照(副本)复印件(加盖公章); (三)企业法人税务登记证(副本)复印件(加盖公章); (四)企业法人组织机构代码证(副本)复印件(加盖公章); (五)注册会计师事务所出具的近两年审计报告原件或加盖会计师事务所印章的复印件; (六)申请单位仓库土地使用证复印件及相关文件; (七)申请单位董事会出具的同意申请核准仓库的批准文件; (八)申请单位简介(仓储条件、库容详细说明及仓储地图等); (九)仓库商品出入库制度和存储商品管理制度; (十)交易所要求提供的其他文件。 第六条 核准仓库的审批程序: (一)交易所根据前条所列材料进行初审; (二)交易所根据初审结果派员对申请单位进行实地调查和评估; (三)交易所根据实地调查和评估结果择优选用仓储企业,并与之签订《仓储战略合作协议书》; (四)交易所颁发《新加坡全球人参交易所核准仓库证书》; (五)核准仓库需根据本办法,制定相应的操作规程或管理办法,经交易所审定后方可开展存储及交收业务; (六)交易所在官网公示后正式启用。 第七条 核准仓库经交易所核定批准后须办理以下事宜: (一)交收业务指定专人授权书及专人签字须到交易所备案; (二)缴纳风险保证金; (三)核准仓库管理人员接受交易所的交收业务培训; (四)交易所规定的其他事宜。 第八条 核准仓库申请放弃核准仓库资格, 应向交易所递交《放弃核准仓库资格申请书》,并经交易所审核批准。 第九条 交易所审核批准后,在官网公示,核准仓库必须按照《仓储战略合作协议书》的规定继续履行权利和义务,直至交易所审核批准的资格终止日。在此期间,核准仓库应妥善办理如下事宜: (一)停止交易所商品挂牌人的产品新入库业务; (二)审批后三日内以书面形式详细报告与交易所全部业务及未完成业务的明细; (三)注销其开具的存货凭证; (四)交收商品全部出库; (五)结清与交易所的债权债务; (六)按交易所规定清退风险保证金。 第十条 核准仓库资格的确认、放弃或取消,交易所应及时通告商品挂牌人、交易会员、核准仓库,并在交易所官方网站公布。 第三章 权利和义务 第十一条 核准仓库的权利: (一)按交易所审定的收费项目、标准和方法收取有关费用(收费项目、收费标准以交易所官网公示为准); (二)对交易所制定的有关实物交收的规定享有建议权; (三)有权拒绝不符合交易所规定标准的商品入库; (四)交易所相关规则和《仓储战略合作协议书》规定的其他权利。 第十二条 核准仓库的义务: (一)遵守交易所的交易规则及有关规章制度,接受交易所的监管; (二)认真做好交易所的商品挂牌人、交易会员库存货物品种、规格、产地、重量等细项的库存报表。每月须准确、及时地向交易所报送指定商品仓储库存统计资料; (三)健全管理制度,指定专人负责交收业务,主动配合交易所的工作,积极协助交易所的商品挂牌人安排交收商品的入库、验收、仓储、倒库、出库、运输等相关事宜; (四)根据交易所的规定对商品进行验收入库,并对在仓储管理系统中录入数据的真实性、准确性、完整性负责; (五)确保开具的存货凭证与入库商品相符,并对凭证的真实性、准确性、有效性负责; (六)按规定保管好库内的商品,确保商品安全; (七)按交易会员注册仓单的要求提供商品; (八)保守交易所及商品挂牌人、交易会员与电子交易、实物交收有关的商业秘密; (九)缴纳风险保证金; (十)妥善保管商品的附随凭证(质量证明书、质检报告等); (十一)妥善保管交易会员的提货凭证,至少保存三年; (十二)应定期自查,并且配合交易所的巡检,填报有关报表; (十三)变更法定代表人、注册资本、股东或股本结构、仓储场地等事项或发生可能涉及商品安全的包括但不限于担保、清算等情况时,须在一个工作日内书面向交易所报告; (十四)出现法律纠纷时,在三个工作日内应向交易所报告; (十五)交易规则及有关规章制度和《仓储战略合作协议书》规定的其他义务。 第四章 日常业务 第十三条 核准仓库的日常业务分为三个阶段:商品入库、商品保管和商品出库。 第十四条 核准仓库应保证交收商品优先办理入、出库。 第十五条 商品挂牌人申报入库的商品在入库过程中,核准仓库应及时进行抽样检验或者验收,并将入库数量、检验结果及时录入交易所指定仓储管理系统。 第十六条 核准仓库对交收业务进行计算机管理,帐目及有关单据须按交易所规定的统一格式进行处理,并定期发送至交易所。 第十七条 核准仓库对检验后的样品应设专门地点存放,以备查验。 第十八条 核准仓库应对保管的商品进行定期检测,并做好记录以备查验。 第十九条 商品不得露天存放。 第二十条 核准仓库的贮存设施及条件应达到国家及行业内对野山参及产品的存储要求。 第二十一条 核准仓库应保持库房消防设施良好。 第二十二条 核准仓库应将不同生产厂家、不同等级牌号的商品分开码垛,不得混垛。 核准仓库应当对商品实行挂牌管理,挂牌标识的内容应当符合规定、清楚明了。 第二十三条 核准仓库对交收商品的存放仓位不得擅自移动,如确需移动应当及时告知并征得交易所同意。 第二十四条 货物出库时,核准仓库负责办理出库手续,做好复核工作: (一)复核《提货单》是否有效; (二)核对提货密码; (三)核对《提货单》与之相对应的货物是否完全相符等内容。 第二十五条 核准仓库应当及时将交易会员的提货信息录入交易所的指定仓储管理系统,如提货人对提货实物提出质量异议的,应将情况及时反馈至交易所。 第二十六条 非交易所指定检查人员及交易所认可的交收仓库第三方监管机构的指定人员,不允许进入仓库查看储存的商品。 第二十七条 核准仓库对入库人员应进行适当的安全检查,确保库存商品的安全。 第二十八条 核准仓库必须核对入库商品首次投保财产险的资料,并对商品首次保险期限届满后代为进行续保。 第二十九条 核准仓库必须对交收商品单独设帐管理。 第三十条 核准仓库必须确定一名负责人主管交收业务,指定专人负责交收商品的管理。 第五章 监督管理 第三十一条 为保证和提高核准仓库对商品挂牌人、交易会员的服务质量,切实改进仓库管理水平,交易所对核准仓库的监管制度如下: (一)自查制度 核准仓库根据本办法及仓库的实际情况,每月选择一项或几项工作内容进行检查,并且填写《自查记录表》,将检查结果送交易所。 (二)交易所抽查制度 交易所根据掌握的情况,随时对核准仓库的一项或多项工作进行抽查,并做好详细记录,以检查核准仓库在日常工作中对交易所的各项规定的执行情况。 (三)交易所委托检查制度 交易所可委托具备相应资质的第三方机构定期(每半年一次)对核准仓库进行检查,并向交易所汇报,核准仓库应予以配合。 (四)年审制度 交易所每一年度对核准仓库的工作做一次年度检查和评比。交易所将根据审核评比结果,调整交收仓库的配货量和交收限量。对确不符合核准仓库要求又不能做改进的仓库,交易所将取消其核准仓库资格。 交易所审查的内容包括仓储设施、库容库貌、业务能力、业务实绩、账目管理以及交易所认为必要的其它内容。 第三十二条 禁止核准仓库实施下列行为: (一)擅自处理或倒卖保管的商品,擅自移动、挪用或调换交易会员已注册交收商品; (二)与商品挂牌人、交易会员联手,以虚占库容等方式影响或企图影响交易所价格; (三)未按规定交收货物; (四)因保管不当,引起储存商品变质、损毁、灭失; (五)在搬运、装卸、堆码等作业过程中故意造成包装和商品损坏; (六)限制、故意拖延商品的入库、出库; (七)蓄意刁难,妨碍实物交收; (八)不按交易所官网公示的标准收取费用; (九)拒绝、阻挠交易所依法监督检查; (十)弄虚作假,影响交收业务正常进行; (十一)违反交易所规定的其他行为。 第三十三条 交易所有权根据市场情况调整核准仓库的交收限量。 第三十四条 核准仓库应向交易所缴纳风险保证金作为仓库履行义务的保证。若发生经济赔偿的,交易所首先用其所缴纳的风险保证金赔偿,保证金不足以赔偿的,交易所有权向核准仓库追索。 风险保证金的具体数额和缴纳方式在《仓储战略合作协议书》上明确。 第六章 附则 第三十五条 本办法解释权属于新加坡全球人参交易所有限公司。 第三十六条 本办法自发布之日起实施。 ...
第一条 为了保护商品购买者的合法权益和利益,规范商品购买者的购买行为,维护新加坡全球人参交易所(以下简称交易所)的交易秩序,提示人参现货交易市场的风险,引导商品购买者理性的参与人参现货交易,促进人参市场健康有序地发展,特制定本办法。 第二条 商品购买者对象包括自然人商品购买者和机构商品购买者。 1、 自然人商品购买者应当全面评估自身的经济实力、产品认知能力、风险控制能力、生理及心理承受能力等,审慎决定是否参商品现货交易。自然人商品购买者必须年满18周岁以上60周岁以下,具有完全行为能力,具有大宗商品或其他商品贸易经验与现货贸易履约能力; 2、机构商品购买者必须为依法成立的注册地在中国大陆境内的中国企业法人、其它经济组织;机构商品购买者及其他经济组织从事人参商品现货交易业务,应当根据自身的经营管理特点和业务运作状况,建立健全内部控制和风险管理制度,对自身的内部控制和风险管理能力进行客观评估,审慎决定是否参与商品现货交易。 第三条 商品购买者在参与交易所的人参商品现货交易之前,应当熟悉交易所的相关规定及规则,了解此市场的风险,具备相应的风险承受能力。 第四条 交易所应当建立健全对商品购买者进行适当性管理的工作机制和业务流程,交易所在与客户(商品购买者)建立业务关系时,应当调查了解客户以下信息:包括商品购买者的身份、资产状况、行业背景、贸易经验、风险偏好、贸易目标等相关信息; 交易所应充分提示商品购买者其参与交易的风险性,并审慎的评估其参与此商品交易的适当性,具体如下: 1、分析评估商品购买者风险承受能力和现货贸易履约能力; 2、向商品购买者绍相关交易产品、交易规则制度、业务特点等,进行有针对性的交易商教育; 3、跟踪了解商品购买者风险承受能力变化情况,及时记录相关情况,并向商品购买者充分提示交易风险; 4、交易所要求开展的其他工作。 第五条 交易所应当建立健全对商品购买者进行适当性管理的具体业务制度,并通过多种形式和渠道向客户告知其进行适当性管理的具体要求,并做好解释和宣传工作。 第六条 交易所应当切实履行对商品购买者进行适当性管理的职责,据第四条所了解到的相关信息,区分商品购买者的不同情况,有针对性地对客户做好风险揭示、培训、教育等工作,引导商品购买者在充分了解交易所人参交易的基础上参与市场交易。 第七条商品购买者应当客观的评估自身的风险承受能力,审慎的决定是否申请开通交易所的人参交易,并按照规定办理参与此交易的相关手续。 第八条 商品购买者在申请开通交易所人参业务时,应当交易所对商品购买者进行适当性管理的工作,如实的提供所需要的信息,不得采取弄虚作假等手段规避有关的要求。商品购买者不配合或者提供虚假信息的,交易所可以拒绝为其提供参与交易的服务。 第九条 交易所应当向客户充分披露以下信息: 1、产品的特性、定价方式和交收情况; 2、相关市场的交易风险的性质和复杂程度; 3、客户可能产生的本金损失和最大损失; 4、可能存在的其他重大风险因素。 第十条 商品购买者在参与交易所交易之前,必须充分阅读并理解客户风险揭示书,在交易所现场或远程视频的方式签订风险揭示书,同时交易所经办人员也需最终签字确认,而后才可为商品购买者开通交易所人参交易业务。 第十一条 自然人商品购买者由于抗风险能力相对而言较差,因此在参与交易所业务之前,必须满足以下准入条件: 1、年龄在18周岁以上60周岁以下并且具有完全民事行为能力; 2、充分了解本市场的交易风险并自愿承担; 3、健康状况良好; 4、具有现货市场贸易的经验或相关交易商品的消化能力; 5、且通过交易所的商品购买者进行购买适当性的客观评估。 第十二条 满足以下任何一条规定的自然人商品购买者禁入该市场参与交易: 1、年龄在18周岁以下或60周岁以上; 2、利用举借债务、银行贷款、拆借资金、养老基金等非自有资金等方式参与此贸易行为的; 3、交易所董事、监事、中高级管理人员、交易员、财务人员以及其他工作人员; 4、有操纵市场行为或者其他涉及现货交易欺诈行为、违反交易所的有关规章制度或散布虚假信息、扰乱市场秩序造成严重后果的个人,及法律法规规定或交易所认定的其他“市场禁入者”。 5、没有通过交易所购买适当性的客观评估。 第十三条 机构商品购买者在参与交易所业务之前,必须满足以下准入条件: 1、依法成立的行业内法人机构或非法人团体; 2、近三年没有严重的违法违规记录; 3、资金来源明确且适合于此类商品交易; 4、有上级主管部门的,需征得上级主管部门的同意,没有上级主管部门的,由公司董事会一致通过; 5、有对人参现货交易业务的需要,有健全内部控制和风险管理制度,通过交易所对其内部控制和风险管理能力的客观评估。 第十四条 符合以下任何一种情形的机构商品购买者禁入该市场参与交易: 1、国家明令禁止不能参与此交易的机构; 2、有违规记录,不能清偿到期债务,濒临破产的机构; 3、在交易所参股的机构; 4、有操纵市场行为或者其他涉及现货交易欺诈行为、违反交易所的有关规章制度或散布虚假信息、扰乱市场秩序造成严重后果的机构,及法律法规规定或交易所认定的其他“市场禁入者”。 第十五条 商品购买者参与交易的流程: 1、在交易所领取或下载开户登记表,商品购买者必须认真如实填写(开户登记表分为自然人和机构两种格式)。 2、交易所根据商品购买者在开户登记表中填写的内容进行初步的开户审核,决定是否可以开户。 3、对客户所提供的身份证进行核实,辨别真伪,确定是其本人所持有并在有效期内。 4、审核通过后由交易所与商品购买者签订客户协议书,并且对开户本人进行现场拍照留档,附于开户登记表上,一同存档备案,便于查询和管理。 5、交易所对商品购买者者进行风险性的教育以及相关基础知识的培训。 6、交易所对商品购买者进行介绍相关交易产品、交易规则制度、业务特点等,进行有针对性的交易商教育; 7、达到开户标准后,交易所为商品购买者开通交易账号。 8、交易所将商品购买者相关资料以及客户协议书进行集中存档备案。 9、交易所审核通过的商品购买者,由交易部对该账户进行激活,客户方可对帐号进行操作。 10、商品购买者需将购买商品资金存入交易所指定具有政府授权资质的结算中心(暂定通化股权托管交易所有限公司)或结算银行开设资金账户,客户方可正式进行交易。 第十六条 对商品购买者进行风险教育的内容主要包括: 1、交易所应严格依据人参批发零售交收的规则及自身相关业务制度,了解商品购买者基本情况,充分提示商品购买者参与交易的风险性,并审慎评估其参与交易的适当性。对不适宜参与交易的主体,应耐心解释、说明,切实履行审查职责。 2、交易所应当采取多种有效方式和途径,针对商品购买者的不同需求和特点,向其充分介绍参与交易的性质、交易规则,持续提示其参与交易可能面临的风险。 3、交易所应当加强对商品购买者的服务,持续开展商品购买者教育、培训工作,引导其理性、规范地参与交易。 第十七条 为了确保市场公开、公平、公正和稳定健康地发展,交易所将采取更加严格的措施,强化市场的监管。 第十八条 商品购买者务必密切关注交易所相关的公告、风险提示等信息,及时了解市场风险状况,依法合规从事人参贸易。 第十九条 交易所将妥善的保管对商品购买者进行适当性管理的资料,并依法对客户的信息承担保密的义务。 第二十条 交易所将妥善保管商品购买者的所有交易记录,并依法对其保密,未经允许不得传播。 第二十一条 交易所应当持续不断的向商品购买者提供服务,针对于市场的变化,及时地提醒客户关注风险,引导客户理性、规范的参与本市场的交易。 第二十二条 交易所应当成立专门的部门或指定专业的人员,组织实施本市场对商品购买者进行购买适当性管理的和商品购买者对商品购买风险教育等方面的落实工作,并且强化内部责任追究机制。 第二十三条交易所应当对商品购买者的交易活动进行监督,发现异常的交易行为和涉嫌违规的行为,应当告知、提醒、通知客户,并及时地向交易所报告。 第二十四条 交易所对从事异常行为的商品购买者实施口头警告、书面警示、责令改正、约见谈话、出具警示函、通报批评、限制交易等监管措施,来规范和约束商品购买者的交易行为。 第二十五条 交易所对商品购买者商品购买者遵守和执行本办法的情况进行监督检查。 第二十六条 本办法解释权和修改权属于交易所新加坡全球人参交易所有限公司。 第二十七条 本办法自发布之日起实施。 ...
Chapter I GENERAL PROVISIONS 1. In order to strengthen the risk management of Singapore Global Ginseng Exchange, safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of all parties to the trading, and ensure the normal conduct of trading of the Singapore Global Ginseng Exchange (hereinafter referred to as the Exchange), this method is formulated under the Singapore Global Ginseng Exchange Trading rules. 2. Singapore Global Ginseng Exchange risk management implements membership access system, third-party quality inspection system, third-party warehousing security system, full inventory insurance system, price rise (fall) limit system, purchase limit system, employee self-discipline system and risk warning system. 3. The Exchange's commodity listing merchants, the marketing agencies, trading members and designated warehouses, designated quality inspection centre, designated settlement banks and the related participants must abide by these measures. Chapter II MEMBERSHIP ADMITTANCE SYSTEM 4. The Exchange conducts a series of market admittance measures, such as the qualification assessment of commodity listed merchants, marketing agencies and trading members to control the risk. 5. The Exchange implements an annual inspection and verification system for commodity listing merchants and marketing agencies. The annual inspection period is July 1 to August 31 each year. If the annual inspection is not passed, the Exchange will suspend or terminate its membership and make an announcement. Chapter III THIRD PARTY QUALITY INSPECTION SYSTEM 6. The Exchange designated the China Ginseng Product Quality Supervision and Inspection Center to to carry out quality inspection on the goods entering the designated delivery warehouse. The designated inspection agency shall be responsible for the inspection report issued by it, and shall not conduct the quality inspection of the listed commodity listed merchant or the markeing agency. The inspection results of the department are used as quality certification standards. 7. China National Ginseng Product Quality Supervision and Inspection Center carries out inspection and appraisal of traded goods according to the national standard of the People's Republic of China, "Wild ginseng identification and classification quality" (GB/T 18765-2008). The inspection and identification certificate can be found in the National Ginseng Product Quality Supervision and Inspection Center official website ( Chapter IV THIRD PARTY WAREHOUSING SECURITY SYSTEM 8. The third-party warehousing agency designated by the Exchange provides members with warehousing services that meet the storage requirements of wild ginseng to ensure cargo safety. 9. Third-party warehousing institutions must be in strict accordance with the requirements of the box marking the height, number of layers and direction ...